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Marta Wojkowska

    My favorite quotes:

    Epilogue: ‘When the time is right, the light will be there to see your way out’  – this is so much about me right now, I love the deepness of it especially in the context of becoming bodysex facilitator.

    This is Bertrand Russel comment that Betty quates in her book and I love it as well: ‘Jealousy must be regarded not as a justifiable insistence upon one’s rights but a misfortune to the one who feels it and a wrong toward its object. When possessive elements intrude upon love, it loses its vivifying power. She who fears to lose that which makes the happiness in her life as has already lost it’- great, deep and so much true.. great to have in mind throughout my relationship.

    And funny one which gives new perspective for me on sex activities in the chapter Cooking for Orgy: ‘Self sexuality is my daily bread. Partner sex once or twice a week is dining out. Groupsex several times a year is a grand banquet where the table is set with multiple partners, sexual pretzels, a stew of hot visuals for voyeurs, lip-licking audiences for exhibitionists with plenty of people who liked to watch sexual pleasures in every exotic flavour imaginable – something to please everyone’s taste.’