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    The vibrator revolution.

    Chapter 10: “Vibrators did change women’s lives for a very simple reason: They gave women the first orgasms of their lives. These weren’t teenagers either; they were women in their thirties and forties. A first orgasm is memorable at any age, but to have one after years of sexual relationships is even more profound. These women began to question why, after decades in a relationship, they had never felt sexual satisfaction. And they began to wonder what else their lives had been lacking, which led them to question the gender roles that had defined their lives.” (182)

    This passage stood out for me because I wasn’t aware of the importance of the vibrator as a tool to bring women to orgasm before encountering Betty’s work, attending my first Bodysex workshop, and reading this book. I have always masturbated with my fingers since a young age and I didn’t know it was not that common for many of us to do so. I am amazed at how this tool can be liberating for women who had never experienced an orgasm before. It is a powerful device in women sexual liberation I can see that now.