Home Forums Book Discussion Orgasms for Two by Betty Dodson Something that Stood Out Reply To: Something that Stood Out

Emma Snellgrove

    I love the whole book. I have a focus on anal sex right now, so all the stuff on anal sex is jumping out at me. On page 21 below the image of two people performing anal sex with toys, it says, anal must be performed when sexually aroused, use plenty of lube and go slow. I have a hesitancy to do anal with my parter because I’m worried he won’t go slow. But I think that’s me just worrying. I need to go all the way with myself first.

    I appreciate what she talks about on page 169 “I’ll show you mine” about penis size. Being an auntie to two boys ( young men) and a step Mum to two boys, and with a man who sometimes feels his dick isn’t big enough. I want to encourage the understanding that Betty’s emphasises… That while size does matter for some people ie Women. Sex skills are the most important.


    The last paragraph of the preface, really reaffirms again why I want to be a Bodysex leader, Betty’s says ” It is my firm belief that enjoying more sexual pleasure with ourselves as well as each other will make us all a little bit nicer, less violent, and more creative. ”

    Thank you Betty.