Home Forums Book Discussion Orgasms for Two by Betty Dodson Something that Stood Out Reply To: Something that Stood Out

Forest Iverson

    Something that stood out to me was Betty and Eric’s relationship. Their meeting and the beginning of their relationship, as well as the playfulness they enjoyed was HOT. I also appreciate the way she talks about how people responded to an older woman being with a younger man and how we’re so conditioned to think about the opposite but Betty and Eric were met with a lot of raised eyebrows and judgment.

    When she was talking about aunties and elders educating the youths of the community about sex it was validating for some information I’ve received through some shamanic journey work. I’ve had nighttime dreams where everyone greets each other with some form of affectionate touching or penetration and journeys where a piece of what’s missing for our culture is initiating our youths into adulthood. Our lack of initiation is a pretty well-known thing but what I never hear anyone talking about is the sexual component to this. Anyway, Betty and Eric being together as they were and then being the inspiration for Orgasms for Two is just really lovely and sweet.

    I did have one weird feeling though, when Eric told Betty that he wanted to be the one to carry on her work. Maybe I misunderstood but it sounded like he wanted to work with women. I guess this is fine but we don’t need a man to teach us about vulvas, I don’t care how awesome he is, it’s not his place. I tried to look him up but I can’t recall his last name. I feel like what he needed to do was to teach this work to other people with penises. People with penises also need the work. Maybe he’s doing that now. I hope he’s doing that now. Once I get the print copy of the book I’ll look again. Or ask Laura or Carlin.